CDcheck was made for CDs or DVDs but it works great with files or folders full of files.
In AOC I had crashes which led to my reinstallng the game. If I had a good CRC check I would have known if my files were corrupted. You need to run the CRC check once the game is installed. It will create a file with every the CRC for every file in a folder or set of folders. Later when you run a check to verify if your files are corrupted you will compare this check to the previous check. Some values will change and show up as errors. For example your profile might change which will have a different CRC. This can be used when backing up data or cloning data as well. Run the check then move the data and compare the check.
If your using it on a game you are going to want to re-run each time the game patches assuming it is a MMO.
The program is free. Just register on the site. Get the key and follow the instructions.
If your crashing and you didn't get a chance to run the file check you can have someone else run the check on their system and send you the file.
CDCheck is a utility for the prevention, detection and recovery of damaged files on CD-ROMs with an emphasis on error detection. With CDCheck you can check your CDs and discover which files are corrupted. By using the program proactively, you can insure that your data on CD-ROMs are safe -- before it's too late! CDCheck provides the following features: readability verification, binary compare, CRC file creation (and verification) and file recovery. For more information
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