Thursday, December 6, 2007

No Fuss, No Muss, or should I say mess.

(potentially not work safe!!!)

(potentially not work safe!!!)

Online Tools Convert And Download Your Favorite Videos (For Free!!!)

VideoCodeZone and other similiar services
(some listed below) work by entering a URL for the FLASH or MEDIA or browsing to a file on you PC. Then like your toaster you simply push the button and wait. Some of these services notify you by email when they are done with the conversion process.

Home Video Conversion and Download
Convert and download videos from popular websites without installing any software.

These services allows you to download and convert videos to many popular formats available today. Some of these sites also allow you to browse videos converted by other which could be in conflict with your employers code of conduct.

This is a online flash video converter where you copy and paste the URL of the video, select the output format and click the Convert/Download button.

You can also convert any flash video from your own files as well. Select the file and click the Convert/Download button.

Other sites: - not work safe - choose your poison (very simple interface) - registration required (supports Adobe Flash 9 H.264)

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